Employment with the Courts Administration Authority provides flexible, challenging and rewarding career opportunities in a supportive environment.
Employees of the Court are employed under the Courts Administration Act 1993 with the terms and conditions of employment governed by the Public Sector Act 2009.
- Annual leave – accrues at the rate of 20 working days per year and pro-rata for part time employees
- Long Service Leave – employees are eligible to take long service leave after 7 years service with the South Australian Public Sector. Some service with other levels of government may also be recognised.
- Sick leave – accrues at the rate of 12 days per year and pro-rata for part-time employees and is cumulative
- Carers leave – provisions are available from sick leave and special leave that enable absences to care for an ill or injured family member
- Special leave with or without pay, eg cultural leave
- Paid maternity/adoption leave – between 16 and 20 weeks paid maternity/adoption leave for eligible employees, this can also be combined with unpaid parental leave up to 104 calendar weeks.
Employer superannuation is paid to Super SA in line with the current Superannuation Guarantee. This applies to new employees, excluding those transferring from within government who may be a member of another Superannuation scheme. New employees will automatically become eligible for employer contributions in the Triple S Scheme administered through Super SA. As an employee you are also entitled to make personal contributions to your fund, including salary sacrifice. For more information log on to the Super SA website or call 1300 369 315.
In addition, salary sacrifice (packaging) options are available. Salary sacrificing is available to employees who can arrange their income as a mixture of salary and other benefits, and may result in a reduction in the amount of income tax payable.
Benefits available through salary sacrificing may include additional superannuation contributions, or, novated lease for a motor vehicle. Note that employees are still required to pay any Fringe Benefits Tax liability for non-superannuable benefits.
We offer staff a wide range of work life balance initiatives and flexible working opportunities. These arrangements ensure a supportive work environment that caters to both work commitments and family and personal needs. Flexible working arrangements are designed to operate to the mutual benefit of CAA, its clients and its employees; and take into consideration the operational needs of workgroups involved. Depending on your role and the business needs of your area, you can access:
- Part time work
- Job share opportunities
- Compressed working weeks
- Purchased leave (in addition to leave entitlement)
- Flexitime
- Transition to retirement, including part access to superannuation