The South Australian Freedom of Information Act is an Act that provides the public with a legally enforceable right to access documents and records held by South Australian Government agencies, subject to certain restrictions and exemptions. It also provides for the correction of references to someone’s personal affairs in documents and reports in appropriate cases.


This Information Statement provides a summary of what the Authority does, the types of documents we hold and how you can access the information you are seeking. This Information Statement is published pursuant to Section 9 of the FOI Act, which requires government agencies to publish an up-to-date information statement at least every 12 months.

The State Courts Administration Council is a statutory authority established on 1 July 1993 by the Courts Administration Act 1993. It is independent of control by executive Government, and is the means by which the State’s Courts are provided with the administrative facilities and services necessary for the proper administration of justice.

The Council comprises the Chief Justice, Chief Judge and Chief Magistrate, and three associate members who are their respective deputies. The Council is aided by an Executive Management Committee, which is led by the State Courts Administrator, who is the Council’s Chief Executive Officer.

The Council, the State Courts Administrator and the other staff of the Council are collectively referred to as the Courts Administration Authority. The State Courts Administrator is the principal officer of the Courts Administration Authority for the purposes of the Freedom of Information Act 1991.

The CAA provides the facilities and services for the administration of justice in South Australia. Court buildings and registry services are provided to for the public at various locations across metropolitan and country regions.

Form time to time the Council establishes committees to assist in the development of policies and to provide feedback on its functions. Current committees include:

  • Community Relations Committee
  • Library Advisory Committee

Freedom of information enables you to have access to documents within the Government’s possession; however there are restrictions and exemptions to protect people’s privacy and to ensure the proper administration of government is not unduly affected.

Details of these exemptions are specifically outlined in the Act.

Types of documents held by the Council include:

  • CAA Governance and Strategic Plans
  • Business Plans
  • Minutes and Agendas of Corporate Committees
  • Policies and Procedures
  • Statistical and Financial Reports
  • Evaluation of Assets/Systems

A full list of CAA policy statements is shown below:

  • Asset
  • Business continuity
  • Complaints
  • Entertainment
  • Human Resource Management
  • ICT Resource
  • Published reasons for judgment
  • Risk management policy and framework
  • Security
  • Courts Volunteer

See the Applications section for further information.

Due to Section 6 the Act does not apply to judicial functions of courts and tribunals. A person desiring access to documents held by a court or tribunal such as:

  • any document relating to the judicial functions of a court or tribunal (including the court file)
  • any document prepared for the purposes of proceedings that are being heard or are to be heard before a court or tribunal (including any transcript of the proceedings, sentencing remarks or documents/evidence submitted to the court)
  • any document prepared by or on behalf of a court or tribunal (including any outcome/order of the court or judgment made or given by the court or tribunal) in relation to proceedings that are being heard or have been heard before the court or tribunal

must contact the registrar of the particular court or tribunal for information on accessing these documents.

Under the FOI Act, you may apply to have documents corrected if they contain information about your personal affairs and that information is incomplete, incorrect, out of date or misleading.

See the Applications section for further information.

For further information, contact the FOI Oficer: p: +61 8 8226 1288 f: +61 8 8226 0137 Postal Address: Freedom of Information Officer Courts Administration Authority GPO Box 1068 Adelaide, South Australia, 5001