Questions regarding CourtSA

If you have any queries regarding CourtSA please contact our CourtSA Registry Services, their contact details can be found on this page, including phone, email address and live chat.


The Courts Administration Authority welcomes your feedback. To provide feedback or to make a complaint please complete the form below. The Authority will acknowledge receipt of complaints within 3 working days. Please refer to our complaints policy, which will provide you further information. The area concerned with your complaint will take steps to resolve it and let you know the outcome within 21 days, in writing. If your complaint cannot be resolved within 21 days you will be contacted and provided with an estimated date for the outcome.

Complete the feedback/complaints/compliments form.

If your feedback or complaint relates to a Judicial decision or a Judicial officer please refer to our complaints policy, which will provide you further information.

If your complaint is primarily focussed on the procurement and contracting of goods and services by the Authority, please refer to our complaints policy, which will provide you further information. Contact the Senior Procurement Officer or complete the Supplier feedback/complaints/compliments Form to make a complaint.

Contact CourtSA Registry services team between 8.30am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday

  • +61 8 8204 2444 or Freecall 1800 571 191

  • Live chat is available in the bottom right hand corner across all pages on this website. It requires pop-ups to be enabled on your device.

  • GPO Box 1068, Adelaide, SA, 5001

    *Please note we can not provide advice, comment on court or tribunal matters or answer legal questions