Probate Registry opening hours are between 9.30am-4.30pm

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(as at 1 July 2024)

1On lodging an application for a grant of probate or administration in respect of a deceased estate the gross value of which—
  • (a) is $200 000 or less
  • (b) is more than $200 000 but less than or equal to $500 000
  • (c) is more than $500 000 but less than or equal to $1 million
  • (d) is more than $1 million
2On lodging an application for the registration or sealing of a grant under section 57 of the Succession Act 2023 (SA) in respect of a deceased estate the gross value of which—
  • (a) is $200 000 or less
  • (b) is more than $200 000 but less than or equal to $500 000
  • (c) is more than $500 000 but less than or equal to $1 million
  • (d) is more than $1 million
3On lodging an application for an order under section 9 of the Public Trustee Act 1995 (SA) in respect of a deceased estate the gross value of which—
  • (a) is $200 000 or less
  • (b) is more than $200 000 but less than or equal to $500 000
  • (c) is more than $500 000 but less than or equal to $1 million
  • (d) is more than $1 million
The fees under the preceding clauses cover—
  • (a) photocopies required of the will or other document (if any) for the grant and record or other purposes; and
  • (b) preparing and sealing any probate or letters of administration, with or without the will annexed, and any order to the Public Trustee to administer; and
  • (c) registration or sealing any probate or letters of administration, with or without the will annexed, exemplification or other document under section 57 of the Succession Act 2023 (SA)
4For the entry or withdrawal of a caveat, or for issuing a warning to a caveat$43.00
5On entering an appearance – for 1 or more persons$75.00
6For issuing a citation$43.00
7Filing a renunciation of probate and/or administration$43.00
8For depositing the will or codicil of a living person for safe custody in the Registry under section 45 of the Succession Act 2023 (SA)  (inclusive fee)$143.00
9Filing an originating application$362.00
10On lodging an application, notice or other document that is subsequent and related to a proceeding for which a fee under clause 1, 2, 3 or 10 has been paid$70.00​
11For an unsealed copy of the record of the Court$28.75
12For a sealed copy of the record of the Court (including an exemplification of a grant)​$90.50