The Supreme Court registries is where court documents are lodged, files are managed, cases are listed and enquiries can be made regarding court hearings
For administrative purposes, the Supreme Court registries are managed by the court registrar and the Director, Higher Court Services.
The Supreme Court judicial members are supported by personal assistants, associates and tipstaves. Clerical and administrative support in the registries is provided by Courts Administration Authority clerical officers.
The Civil Registry receives and processes all documents lodged in the civil jurisdiction of the court and is the first point of reference for enquires from the public and the legal profession.
The registry also receives and processes appeals to the Full Court and Single Judge Appeals.
It also has responsibility for the management of the court’s records and the listing and case management functions for the court’s civil and appellate jurisdictions.
The Civil Registry handles enquiries relating to Registrar’s Certificates, Admission Certificates, Full Court Ceremonies and arranges appointments to take the Oaths under the Mutual Recognition Act.
The Criminal Registry’s major functions include to receive and process Informations’ (documents lodged which initiate criminal proceedings) lodged by the Director of Public Prosecutions; to list criminal trials and other hearings; to receive and process applications for leave to appeal and to prepare appeal documentation for use by the Court of Criminal Appeal; to receive and process applications to review and vary bail decisions made by Magistrates.
The Probate Registry is responsible for determining, on application for a grant of representation, what document or documents constitute the last will of the deceased and/or who is entitled to be the personal representative of the deceased. When these determinations have been made, a grant is issued to the estate of the deceased person. There are three types of grants: probate, letters of administration with the will annexed and letters of administration.
When necessary a grant will be limited in duration, in respect of property, or to any special purpose. The term “grant” is used to mean whatever type of grant of representation is issued. A grant is the official recognition by the court of the right of the personal representative named in the grant to administer the estate of a deceased person and of the vesting in the personal representative of the title to the deceased’s assets.
Probate information and contact details are located in the probate section.