The Youth Court Registry is made up of three to four Court Officers, a Listings Manager and the Deputy Registrar, whose main tasks are the listing of cases, receiving and entering documents, and client liaison both at the counter and on the telephone regarding court hearings. The Registrar also undertakes quasi-judicial functions such as the issuing of warrants and other court documents.  All country Courts also function as Youth Court Registries. The Conferencing Unit office functions as a separate registry for its respective administrative purposes.

While the branches of the Youth Court of South Australia usually act independently of each other, criminal files may be referred from Court to a Family Conference. Care and Protection matters can be referred from Court to a Family Group Conference, or a Family Group Conference may be convened independent of Court matters. Although both Family Conferences and Family Group Conferences are managed within the Conferencing Unit and often have clients in common, the two processes are not linked and are governed by different pieces of legislation.

For administrative purposes, both the Youth Court registry and the Conferencing Unit are managed by the Court Registrar with the Conferencing Unit having an additional three team leaders.

Each of the Youth Court judicial officers are supported by a private secretary or clerk.