When you arrive at Court you will need to go through the entry point scanner. You will need to take everything out of your pockets and put your bag on the conveyor belt to be scanned. The sheriff’s officers will ask you what matter you’re at Court for and direct you to take a seat in the foyer. When your matter is being called on, a sheriff’s officer will call your surname and you can go in to Court.
Nobody else is required to be at Court with you, but parents and guardians are usually allowed in the Courtroom. The judicial officer may also give permission for you to bring a friend or support person.
If you have a lawyer, your lawyer will do most of the talking on your behalf. The judicial officer may address you directly and will likely ask you if you have understood the Court proceedings and you will be required to answer. You can address the judicial officer as ‘Your Honour’.
You may be required to sign some paperwork before leaving the Court, such as an obligation or bail agreement. If so, you will need to wait until the paperwork is ready and then you will either be directed to the JP Office or to the Registry counter to sign in the presence of a Justice of the Peace.