CAA guest speakers

Do you need a guest speaker? Are you interested in learning about the courts in South Australia?

Judges, magistrates, Sheriff’s officers and other court employees are all able to speak at gatherings of various general interest groups. This free service available to community groups, such as service clubs and civic organisations.

Speakers have expertise in a range of areas including:

  • Sentencing
  • Separation of powers
  • Independence of the judiciary
  • Problem solving Courts
  • Juvenile justice
  • Jury Service
  • The Coronial process
  • The Court order enforcement process

Speakers can talk about various aspects of the work of the Courts but cannot comment on specific cases or provide legal advice.

A request for a speaker does not automatically involve a judicial officer. It will depend on the expected size of the audience, whether the event is at night and the location of the venue. It is possible to arrange a talk in a regional area.

To arrange for a speaker for your club or civic organisation, please try to make your request at least six weeks prior to the date of the meeting. Let us know how many people are likely to attend and the subject that you would like the guest speaker to talk about.

For more information please email CAA Media and Communications Office or phone: 08 8204 0403.