An originating application and enforcement can be an application to vary, revoke or discharge an order or extend a non-parole period or apply for enforcement.

Please refer to the Joint Criminal Rules 2022 for further information.

• The correct names and addresses of all parties involved
• To answer all the questions marked with an asterisk (*)
• The correct Form

The specific forms accepted via this lodgement are:

• Form 171A Originating Application to Vary or Revoke an Order
• Form 171B Originating Application to Fix a Non-Parole Period
• Form 171C Originating Application to Extend a Non-Parole Period
• Form 171D Originating Application to Vary a Community Service Order or Ancillary Order
• Form 171E Originating Application to Vary or Revoke Condition of or Discharge Bond or Obligation
• Form 171F Originating Application to Discharge or Vary Condition of Recognizance Order
• Form 171G Originating Application for Review, Variation or Revocation of a Part 8A Criminal Law Consolidation Act Order
• Form 171H Originating Application for Variation, Cancellation or Review of a Release on Licence pursuant to former section 293A Criminal Law Consolidation Act
• Form 171I Originating Application for Release on Licence pursuant to former section 293A Criminal Law Consolidation Act
• Form 171J Originating Application for Variation or Discharge of Division 6, 7 or 9 Crimes Act (Cth) Order
• Form 171K Originating Application to Vary or Revoke Licence Disqualification
• Form 171L Originating Application for Youth to be Discharged Absolutely from a Detention Order
• Form 171M Originating Application for Person Held in a Training Centre to be Transferred to a Prison
• Form 171N Originating Application to Revoke an Order that a Youth be Transferred to a Prison
• Form 211 Originating Application for Enforcement
• Form 213A Information Enforcement Order (Cth)
• Form 213B Information and Summons to Enforce Order (Cth)

If required, you will need to pay a fee for lodging this form using a credit/debit card.


  1. Log into CourtSA
  2. When asked ‘What would you like to do?’ select “Start a New Case’ from the drop-down menu
  3. When asked ‘What type of case do you want to start?’ select ‘Originating Application & Enforcement (Criminal)
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the green button
  5. Click on the drop-down menu and select ‘Which Court you are Lodging this Application in’
  6. Click on the drop-down menu and select ‘Where would you like the first hearing to be held?’
  7. Click on the drop-down menu where it asks ‘Which Lodgement Type’ and select the correct form
  8. If you are lodging this form by yourself, click ‘No’ to ‘Are you a Lawyer’
  9. Fill out the form
  10. Click on ‘About the Applicant’ in the drop-down menu and select the ‘Type of Party’ and fill out the applicant’s details
  11. Click on ‘About the Respondent’ displayed and fill out the details and contact information
  12. Upload the ‘Application Document’
  13. Upload any supporting document if applicable
  14. Tick the ‘I Have’ box below and click ‘Proceed’
  1. You will receive an email from CourtSA acknowledging your lodgement.
  2. Your Lodgement will be sent to the Court Registry for review
  3. You will receive either an acceptance email with additional information OR a rejection email with a valid reason for why your lodgement was rejected