You can seek a bail review under section 86 of the Service and Execution of Process Act 1992, under s 14(2)(a) of the Bail Act 1995 or any other legislative provision. Before applying for a bail review you should get advice from a lawyer.
- The correct names and addresses of all parties involved
- To answer all the questions marked with an asterisk (*)
- Form 181- Notice of Review- Bail Review
If required, you will need to pay a fee for lodging this form using a credit/debit card.
- Log in to CourtSA
- When asked ‘What would you like to do?’ select “Start a New Case’ from the drop-down menu
- When asked ‘What type of case do you want to start?’ select ‘Notice of Review- Bail Review’
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the green button
- Select ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to ‘Are you a Lawyer?’
- If selected yes, fill out your practitioner information
- When asked “This Application for Review is made under”, select the correct section
- Fill out the form
- Upload Form 181 Notice of Review- Bail Review
- Upload ‘Affidavit’
- Upload any supporting documents if applicable
- Lodge the application
- You will receive an email from CourtSA acknowledging your lodgement.
- Your Lodgement will be sent to the Court Registry for review
- You will receive either an acceptance email with additional information OR a rejection email with a valid reason for why your lodgement was rejected