Any initiating lodgement can be saved and completed at a later time.

Once you have begun a lodgement, you may need to stop and return to it at a later stage. You are able to edit an initiating lodgement until it has been paid for in CourtSA. Once payment is made, you can no longer able to make changes.

Note: Secondary lodgements, meaning any lodgements after a case has started, cannot be saved and returned to. They must be completed in one session.


  1. When completing the form. click “Save for Later” button at the bottom of the page
  2. Record the reference number of the draft down so you can easily find it when you want to go back to it
  3. You will be taken to the “My Account” page where a green confirmation notification will appear advising it’s been saved with a reference number
  4. Go to “My Cases”
  5. Click the “Unsubmitted drafts” tab
  6. Click the reference number hyperlink and complete or edit the remainder of the form
  7. Until payment has been made, the lodgement is still able to be edited from the “Cart” tab
  8. Go to “My Cases”
  9. Click the “Cart” tab
  10. Click the “View” hyperlink in the actions column and make changes as required
  11. Once payment has been made, the document has been lodged with the courts and is unable to be changed

If you are creating a draft lodgement in CourtSA do not upload any documents until you are ready to lodge.

If you upload a document to the lodgement, save it as a draft, return and change the uploaded document CourtSA is recognising both uploaded documents and cannot process your lodgement.