Where a person is suspected of having committed an offence, charges may be brought against them by means of an Information or Information and Summons.

  • The correct names and addresses of all parties involved
  • The offence details including the offence count number, offence start date, offence location and law code, particulars of offence, if it is an aggravated or non-aggravated offence and the offence classification.
  • The form you intend to lodge:
  • Form 2 Information and Summons

If required, you will need to pay a fee for lodging this form using a credit/debit card.


  1. Log in to CourtSA
  2. When asked ‘What would you like to do?’ select “Start a New Case’ from the drop-down menu
  3. When asked ‘What type of case do you want to start?’ select ‘Information or Information & Summons’
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the green button
  5. If you are lodging this form by yourself, click ‘No’ to ‘Are you a Lawyer’
  6. If you are a lawyer, click ‘Yes’ and enter your details
  7. Fill out the ‘Informants Reference’ in the space provided
  8. Click on the drop-down menu where it asks ‘Which Court are you lodging this Application in’ and select the correct jurisdiction
  9. Click on the drop-down menu where it asks ‘Where would you like the first hearing to be held’ and select the hearing location
  10. Fill out the ‘Proposed Hearing Details’
  11. Click on the drop-down menu where it asks the ‘Type of Lodgement’ and select the correct form
  12. If it is a family/domestic violence offence, click ‘Yes’. If not, click ‘No’.
  13. Fill out the ‘Informant Details’
  14. Click on ‘Defendant/Youth Details in the drop-down menu and select the ‘Type of Party’ and fill out the defendant/youth details
  15. Fill out the correct ‘Offence Details’ including the offence count number, offence start date, offence location and law code, particulars of offence, if it is an aggravated or non-aggravated offence and the offence classification.
  16. You can add another charge by clicking on ‘Add Another Charge’
  17. Complete the description of the ‘Special Orders Sought’ in the space provided
  18. Lodge Information and Summons

You will receive an email from CourtSA acknowledging your lodgement.  Your Lodgement will be sent to the Court Registry for review.  You will receive either an acceptance email with additional information OR a rejection email with a valid reason for why your lodgement was rejected